Stevenage Locomotive Society     

Please complete the form below and send it along with a Cheque made payable to:-

Stevenage Locomotive Society.

The completed form and remittance should be sent to :-

Paul Day, Membership Secretary, 69 Sun Street, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 0BY.

OR  taken to a club meeting where cash will also be accepted.

The Stevenage Locomotive Society aims to cater for as many railway interests as possible. To do this it would be helpful if you could list your main interest(s) in railways, and places that you would like to visit. Please list these details on the rear of the application form if you so wish.

Please complete the application form below using BLOCK CAPITALS.

Data Protection Act: The Society maintains membership details on a computer for the purpose of printing labels for postage of the Society magazine ‘Aurora’. This list is for the sole use of the Society Committee, and no details are disclosed to any third party whatsoever. Anyone objecting to information being held in this way should contact the Membership Secretary in writing.

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NAME     :____________________________________              (For Society use only)

ADDRESS  :____________________________________            MEMBERSHIP NO. __________

        :____________________________________            PAYMENT SUBS   __________

        :____________________________________            RECEIPT NO.    __________

POSTCODE :___________________                             CARD SIGNED    __________

TEL NO   :___________________

MOB TEL  :___________________

E-MAIL   :____________________________________

AGE (If Under 18):__________

I wish to JOIN the Stevenage Locomotive Society until the end of the current Society year as an ADULT / JUNIOR (age 10 - 15 yrs) member. (Delete bold options as applicable). I enclose a crossed cheque or postal order for the sum of £___:___ made payable to STEVENAGE LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY.

SIGNATURE :_________________________________      DATE :_____________

Please indicate below where you heard about the Society:-
